Allen West Says Tea Party Not Racist, So Obviously It Isn't

When Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) equated the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan, he was obviously wrong because former Rep. Allen West, a Tea Party Republican from Florida who happens to be black, says the Tea Party is not racist.

Because West said it, it must be true.

Believe it or not, Grayson and West were best friends when
they were young schoolgirls, but things went sour when
it was revealed one of the two did not get a cootie shot.
Grayson fired back, providing The Huffington Post with evidence that there are racist elements to the Tea Party. But pssshhhh, who needs "evidence" when a black guy says there is no racism?

West's logic is sound. If you ignore the Tea Partiers who rallied on Capitol Hill and hailed derogatory remarks at civil rights activist Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), or when an Arkansas Tea Party leader decided she should open her speeches with a racist joke, or when Glenn Beck (yes, the Glenn Beck) suggests that the Tea Party is racist, or if you ignore Tea Party activist signs like this or this or this or countless others, then really, there is no racism in the Tea Party!

It is commonly understood that there isn't a single racist soul
in the Tea Party, just as it is commonly understood that this
isn't the most adorable thing you've ever seen.
And I mean, come on guys, didn't we get rid of racism when we elected a black president. I mean, gosh.

West is also an expert in the field of name-calling. He is one of many who thoroughly enjoys calling Democrats "Nazis" on the reg. Surely, this is a man we can trust.

Plus, Mr. West will tell you, the Tea Party isn't racist, it's just anti-Muslim.

Get your prejudices straight, Grayson. Gosh.


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All posts are written by Will Wrigley -- a politics nerd, music-lover and a barely comprehensible writer.