Small Government Minds Love Big Government

It's funny to watch TV or listen to radio or read the Drudge Report and other conservative blogs online that rail against "big government" and want to hone in "government spending," when, as Dana Milbank of the Washington Post wrote earlier this month, it is the small government politicians whose constituents get the most back from big government.

As Milbank wrote, according to the Tax Foundation, "In states that voted strongly Republican, people received an average of $1.50 back from the federal government for every dollar they paid in federal taxes. In moderately Republican states, the amount was $1.19. In moderately Democratic states, people received on average of 99 cents in federal funds for each dollar they paid in taxes. In strongly Democratic states, people got back just 86 cents on the tax dollar."

So, while those "Tea Baggers" and others strongly opposed to taxes and big government who most often reside in states that vote strongly Republican, it is those people that would be hurt the most by small government and less taxes.

Sometimes irony is the best medicine.


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All posts are written by Will Wrigley -- a politics nerd, music-lover and a barely comprehensible writer.