Whew, Big Wins For Joe Sestak and Mark Critz

Joe Sestak, a congressman from Pennsylvania's 7th District just won the Democratic primary for Senate in Pennsylvania and Mark Critz, one of the late Jack Murtha's top aides, just won the special election for Murtha's seat in Pennsylvania's 12th District.

What a relief.

Whew, I'm practically wiping sweat beads off my forehead.

However moderate to liberal Arlen Specter had been in the US Senate, Joe Sestak, a real, lifelong Democrat is a real step up. Specter pretty much switched parties because he was not conservative enough to win reelection as a Republican.

Sestak had the endorsements from NARAL and MoveOn but that's not always enough against incumbents who have the money. Luckily, Sestak finished in front of the incumbent.

I'm more enthusiastic about Sestak than I ever would be about Specter but, comparatively, Specter looks a lot better than Tim Burns, Mark Critz's opponent in Pennsylvania District 12.

Burns received endorsements and help fundraising from the most right-wing of all pundits and politicians, including Sarah Palin and New Gingrich.

Luckily, Critz pulled out the win in the heavily Democrat PA-12, even though he had been out-fundraised by Burns who had a lot of help from Palin, Gingrich, and heavy coverage by the conservative media.

In addition to those big wins, Rand Paul's win in the Republican Primary in Kentucky for Senate, I think, gives Democrats a big chance to win Kentucky because, as other Democrats believe, Paul is so right-wing, he actually gives Democrats an advantage over a more moderate Republican candidate.

Let's hope all goes well. Hope is all you can do, aside from campaign, express positive opinions to friends and colleagues about Democratic candidates, vote, and donate money.

So hey, let's do those things instead of just hope.


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All posts are written by Will Wrigley -- a politics nerd, music-lover and a barely comprehensible writer.