Scott Brown Could Help Democrats?

When Scott Brown was elected to the Senate in January I was appalled. Just two days before I stood outside a Northeastern University gym to rally for Martha Coakley because so many Scott Brown supporters were outside holding signs in support for Brown, but with slogans that were opposite of what Brown said he supported.

"Go Green, Vote Brown," said one sign on a pickup truck that passed by.

I thought to myself, "Go green and vote for Brown? That's an oxymoron."

And it was, and it is.

But maybe Brown's election to the Senate has actually helped Democrats, as described in an article in the Washington Post.

It may be right. Since Brown's election, Democrats have seemed more focused. President Obama held a healthcare summit and Democrats have even placed a date as to when they want to have finally passed a comprehensive healthcare reform bill.

It is possible that with the new healthcare bill, which actually includes Republican ideas added by President Obama, it will be harder for Republicans to say that Democrats are purely partisan actors and that they did not try to work with Republicans.

Since Republicans have stated, for the most part, that even with the Republican ideas added to the healthcare reform bill, they will not vote for it, it proves that they are actually the partisan actors.

This may actually prove to the public that Republicans would rather get nothing done with Democrats in power than help to better our society.


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All posts are written by Will Wrigley -- a politics nerd, music-lover and a barely comprehensible writer.