The New Law of the Land

As I just watched President Obama sign the healthcare reform bill into law with twenty or so pens, I couldn't keep myself from smiling. After a year of being bashed by right-wing pundits and his approval rating dropping for attempting to pass legislation that he promised during his campaign, President Obama can now say, "yes, I did", and we can all say, "yes, we did."

"It looks like Democrats are going to have a new hop in their step," commented Wolf Blitzer immediately after Obama signed the new healthcare reform bill.

It's true. I know that I, for one, am going to have high spirits. I really think this will help the Democrats come November.

Republicans can't say Democrats never get anything done (and even if they couldn't, that would probably because Republicans try to keep them from doing so) and Democrats can say that they fulfilled a campaign promise they were elected to keep, and so too can President Obama.

After over 100 years of attempts to reform healthcare and extend it to the majority of Americans, today we moved much closer to insuring all Americans. That's not to say that in the past we haven't built up towards this moment, in fact I think we've done a lot to reform healthcare, it has just been too slow.

Someday, when I'm old, gray, and receiving Medicare, look back on today, and the past few days, as one of the single greatest accomplishments that America has seen.


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All posts are written by Will Wrigley -- a politics nerd, music-lover and a barely comprehensible writer.