Even Republicans Don't Like Republicans

The Washington Post polled a bunch of people and released the results Tuesday, which outlined how much Republicans hate things.

This young Republican does not like vegetables.
And boy do they hate things.

Among those things:
  • Obama
  • Congress
  • Immigration reform
  • Obamacare
  • Republicans
  • Vegetables
Asked whether they believe that the Republican Party is headed one of two directions, the right one or the wrong one, 52 percent of Republicans chose the latter.

I'm assuming that by the time Republicans responding to the survey reached the question about Republicans, they stepped away from their phones, muted the DVRed episode of "The 700 Club" blaring on the TV, looked at themselves in the mirror and didn't really like what they saw.
Republican looks in mirror (Dramatization).

Maybe this is a time for self-reflection.

Maybe it's just time for that new haircut.

But then they got back to their regularly scheduled program about illegal immigrants trying take down this country by forcing their kids to haul 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert to put in our children's school-funded lunches, and they just went back to hating other things.


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All posts are written by Will Wrigley -- a politics nerd, music-lover and a barely comprehensible writer.